she made a meen feed beans and some other stuff mean as !!!
then we watched a bit of tv
the news , family guy and then........NEW ZEALANDS NEXT TOP MODEL
holly shit

the whole show it felt like some one was vomiting in to my eye and ears

fuck TV
fuck modeling
they are all so full of shit
its just retarded greedy people just trying to make you feel like crap
so you buy more shit that you dont need !!!
you are amazing you dont need the crap they are selling
smash your TV right now !!!!!
You have a sophisticated body electronics system that is vital to your bodies function. So don't allow yourself to be exposed to the health risks of watching TV. There are invisibly imposed EMF frequencies from electric & magnetic fields and pulsed microwave transmission signals, which are at frequencies that disrupt your brain and cellular functions.
Cell phone and cordless phone use has well-established risks as well. EMF stress occurs with all electric and electronic devices especially Television. There are adverse health effects. Scientific studies have shown that EMF exposure has a cumulative effect, increasing over time. Depletion of your body's bio energy causes a lowered energetic capability, at a fundamental atomic level. Disturbance of its inherent bio energetic system results in disruptions to cellular functions and a compromised immune system. Quite simply, your body systems are no longer able to work in the way that they would if such destructive interference from EMR was not imposed on you. If you can't understand why the authorities are allowing you to be exposed to such risks, let us just say they want you to be in a state of confusion, it makes it much easier to control the masses when they are confused and lacking optimum health. So-called "safety" regulations only consider thermal (tissue heating) effects, but frighteningly disregard low frequency biological effects. Strong vested interests resist change to this in spite of mounting evidence. For your own health and safety, and sustainable wellness, you need to avoid the risks of the invisible hazard of EMR that do compromise your health......SO DON’T WATCH TV, ESPECIALLY NEW ZEALANDS NEXT TOP MODEL .
if you guessed i didnt write the last bit lisa did
thanks so much lisa
so to re-cap
fuck fashion
fuck TV
fuck the goverment
Punk Rawk!!!
ReplyDeleteI would like at add this also-
fuck tv2/3? for running the ads for this show showing the girl having the total crying breakdown- this is the lowest form of ratings seeking promotion its disgusting! These are young kids, some as young as 16 who are being totally exploited on tv and too young and/or naive to know they are getting into situations that are edited solely for drama and ratings- yeah they sign up for it but it doesn't make it right. NZ is such a small country their time on the show will haunt them for a long time. On the set a few weeks ago some of the girls who are JC were having a prayer together in a corner , when the cameramen saw this and reliased they missed it on film they were ordered to do it again with the cameras in their face!! how fucking disgusting!
So yeah, fuck that show Josh, well said.
"On the set a few weeks ago some of the girls who are JC were having a prayer together in a corner , when the cameramen saw this and reliased they missed it on film they were ordered to do it again with the cameras in their face!!"
ReplyDeleteyou obviously work on the program, so are you abetting the exploitation of these young girls or are you yourself being exploited working long hours for peanuts and "experience" ??? these girls cant really claim naivety when they probably religiously watched season 1 and probably the US version too... no dis just curious